
The Program

The Omega Delta Upsilon Foundation, Inc (ODUF) has established a scholarship program aimed at supporting African American male students residing in the Mercer and Bucks County areas. The purpose of this scholarship is to assist these students in continuing their education at a four-year college or university.


Applicants to the Scholarship Program must be –

  • Students who are attending high schools in Mercer County New Jersey or Bucks County Pennsylvania area.
  • High school seniors or graduates who plan to enroll or students who are already enrolled in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited four-year institution; for the entire upcoming academic year.


If selected as a recipient, the student will receive an award of $1,000.00. Awards are renewable; however, applicants must reapply each year and meet the eligibility requirements:

  1. Must be a full time student, carrying a minimum of 12 credit hours.
  2. Must a have a cumulative 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 point grading scale.


Interested students must complete the application at ODUF Scholarship Application and submit it along with a current, complete official transcript of grades to Omega Delta Upsilon Foundation, Inc., Scholarship Committee and must be postmarked no later than May 31, 2024. Applicants will receive acknowledgment of receipt of their application. If a receipt of acknowledgment is not received within 14 days, applicants may contact the Scholarship Committee to verify that the application has been received.

Applicants are responsible for gathering and submitting all necessary information. Applications are evaluated on the information supplied; therefore, it is important that all questions are answered as completely as possible. Incomplete applications will not be considered. All information received is considered confidential and is reviewed only by Scholarship Committee and ODUF Board Members.

Selection of Recipients

Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of academic record, demonstrated leadership and participation in school and community activities, awards, honors, work experience, and statement of goals and aspirations. Three (3) recommendations letters are required from the following: a teacher, a guidance counselor, and a community leader.
Applicants will be notified in June. Not all applicants to the program will be selected as recipients.

Payment of Scholarships

Once proof of enrollment as full-time student has been received; OUDF Treasurer will processes scholarship payments on behalf of the Scholarship Committee. Payments are processed in the month of August. Checks will be mailed to each recipient’s home address and are made payable to the school for the student.


Recipients have no obligation to ODUF. They are, however, required to notify the Scholarship Committee of any changes in address, school enrollment, or other relevant information and to send a complete transcript when requested.


Omega Delta Upsilon Foundation, Inc. reserves the right to review the conditions and procedures of this scholarship program and to make changes at any time including termination of the program.

Additional Information

Questions regarding the scholarship program should be addressed to:
J. Gilbert Williams – Scholarship Committee;
PO Box 77119
Trenton, NJ 08628
Phone:  215-428-1141